Tron anders moger uio


for series maintained by Kristi Brinkmann Lenander (k.b.lenander@medisin.uio .no). Tron A. Moger and Terje P. Hagen; 2016:9: Acute admissions to a community Tron Anders Moger and Ivar Sønbø Kristiansen; 2012:2: Competition,&nb

Higher mortality among ACS patients in Finland than in Norway: Do differences in acute services and scale effects in hospital treatment explain the variation?. Viktil, Kirsten Kilvik; Blix, Hege Salvesen; Moger, Tron Anders & Reikvam, Åsmund (2006). Polypharmacy as commonly defined is an indicator of limited value in the assessment of drug-related problems. Tron Anders Moger, associate professor, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics Hein Stigum, senior researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health Harald Weedon-Fekjær, researcher, Oslo University Hospital, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Health Economy Tron Anders Moger, associate professor, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics and Department of Biostatistics, IMB, UiO Monday October 17: 08.30-09.00: Registration (outside Lille Auditorium, DM) Location: GA01 1128 Seminarrom, DM 09.00-09.15: Introduction.

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Viktil, Kirsten Kilvik; Blix, Hege Salvesen; Moger, Tron Anders & Reikvam, Åsmund (2006). Polypharmacy as commonly defined is an indicator of limited value in the assessment of drug-related problems. Tron Anders Moger, associate professor, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics Hein Stigum, senior researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health Harald Weedon-Fekjær, researcher, Oslo University Hospital, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Health Economy Tron Anders Moger, associate professor, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics and Department of Biostatistics, IMB, UiO Monday October 17: 08.30-09.00: Registration (outside Lille Auditorium, DM) Location: GA01 1128 Seminarrom, DM 09.00-09.15: Introduction. University of Oslo, Faculty of Medicine Department of Health Management and Health Economic Supervised by: Professor Ivar Sømbø Kristiansen - UiO Associate Professor Tron Anders Moger - UiO Senior advisor: Hanne Merete Eriksen - NIPH Thesis submitted as a part of the Moger, Tron Anders, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo, Norway. Nordic Journal of Health Economics Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Special issue: Nordic health system performance comparisons - Special Issue MF9510 Logistic regression, survival analysis and Cox-regression October 19.-22. 2009 Teachers: Freddie Bray, PhD, Cancer Registry of Norway.

View Mal_obl.innl._kvantitativ_HELSEF4302.doc from DE 93 at Harvard University. Fyll ut og send til Trond Anders Moger på Eller Trond Anders Moger, Avdeling for statistikk,

Tron anders moger uio

Table 1 Distribution of number of families according to which family members are affected and number of children in the family None Mother Father Both parents No. affected, families with one child None 24,052 3,021 2,814 17 1st child 2,045 26 23 2 No. affected, families with two children Tron Anders Moger University of Washington/University of Oslo, Odd O. Aalen University of Oslo, This working paper is hosted by The Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) and may not be commercially reproduced without the permission of the Blix, Hege Salvesen; Viktil, Kirsten K; Moger, Tron Anders & Reikvam, Åsmund (2010). Drugs with narrow therapeutic index as indicators in the risk management of hospitalised patients. Pharmacy Practice. ISSN 1885-642X.

Tron anders moger uio

Third member and chair of the evaluation committee: Post doctoral Fellow Ernst Kristian Rødland, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo; Chair of the Defence. Professor Tron Anders Moger, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. Principal Supervisor. Professor II Birgitte Freiesleben de Blasio, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. Summary

Tron anders moger uio

Newbold ch. 1,2 Lecture 27.08.2012: Tron Anders Moger 12.15-14.00, Seminar room 1, Harald Schjelderups Hus Dato: Undervises av: Sted: Tema: Kommentarer / ressurser: 17.08.2009: Tron Anders Moger 12.15-14.00, Seminar room 3, Harald Schjelderups Hus Introduction, Descriptive Moger, Tron Anders; Häkkinen, Unto & Hagen, Terje P. (2017). Higher mortality among ACS patients in Finland than in Norway: Do differences in acute services and scale effects in hospital treatment explain the variation?. Viktil, Kirsten Kilvik; Blix, Hege Salvesen; Moger, Tron Anders & Reikvam, Åsmund (2006). Polypharmacy as commonly defined is an indicator of limited value in the assessment of drug-related problems. Tron Anders Moger, associate professor, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics Hein Stigum, senior researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health Harald Weedon-Fekjær, researcher, Oslo University Hospital, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Health Economy Tron Anders Moger, associate professor, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics and Department of Biostatistics, IMB, UiO Monday October 17: 08.30-09.00: Registration (outside Lille Auditorium, DM) Location: GA01 1128 Seminarrom, DM 09.00-09.15: Introduction.

Tron anders moger uio

Eek, Anne Katrine; Blix, Hege Salvesen; Viktil, Kirsten Kilvik; Moger, Tron Anders & Reikvam, Åsmund (2010). Jayson O Swanson 1 , Verena Vogt 2 , Leonie Sundmacher 3 , Terje P Hagen 4 , Tron Anders Moger 5 Affiliations 1 Department of Health Economics and Health Management, Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo, PO Box 1089 Blindern, NO-0317 Oslo, Norway. Tron Anders Moger et al. Table 1 Distribution of number of families according to which family members are affected and number of children in the family None Mother Father Both parents No. affected, families with one child None 24,052 3,021 2,814 17 1st child 2,045 26 23 2 No. affected, families with two children Tron Anders Moger University of Washington/University of Oslo, Odd O. Aalen University of Oslo, This working paper is hosted by The Berkeley Electronic Press (bepress) and may not be commercially reproduced without the permission of the Blix, Hege Salvesen; Viktil, Kirsten K; Moger, Tron Anders & Reikvam, Åsmund (2010).

From 2012, the Norwegian system became more vertically Tron Anders Moger Eline Aas Master thesis submitted as a part of the Master of Philosophy Degree in Health Economics, Policy and Management UNIVERSITY OF OSLO FACULTY OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MANAGEMENT AND HEALTH ECONOMICS May 2018. II . III The effect of socioeconomic status Professor Odd O. Aalen, Department of Biostatistics, IMB (Responsible for the course) Associate professor Bettina Kulle Andreassen, Epi-gen, Ahus, UiO Associate professor Tron Anders Moger, Department of Biostatistics, IMB Researcher Milada C. Småstuen, OUS and UiO Research Fellow Morten Valberg, Department of Biostatistics, IMB Research Tron Anders Moger, Associate Professor, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo. Hein Stigum, Professor, University of Oslo and Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Harald Weedon-Fekjær, Researcher, Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and … Patrick Michael Houck Tron Anders Moger Thesis submitted as a part of the Master of Philosophy Degree in Health Economics, Policy and Management completed at the Faculty of Medi-cine’s Institute for Health & Society Department of Health Management and Health Economics University of Oslo … Tron Anders Moger, Unto Häkkinen, Terje P. Hagen pp. 45-57 ARTICLE PDF Comparative treatment costs for patients with acute myocardial infarction between Finland and Norway Tor Iversen, Unto Häkkinen pp. 58-79 ARTICLE PDF

Nordic Journal of Health Economics Vol 6 No 2 (2018): Special issue: Nordic health system performance comparisons - Special Issue MF9510 Logistic regression, survival analysis and Cox-regression October 19.-22. 2009 Teachers: Freddie Bray, PhD, Cancer Registry of Norway. Førsteamanuensis Tron Anders Moger, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics and Department of Biostatistics, IMB, UiO Hein Stigum, PhD, Norwegian Institute of Public Health Bjarte Aagnes, Advisor (Data manager), Cancer Registry of Norway. Tron Anders Moger Eline Aas Master thesis submitted as a part of the Master of Philosophy Degree in Health Economics, Policy and Management UNIVERSITY OF OSLO FACULTY OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH MANAGEMENT AND HEALTH ECONOMICS May 2018 Finland and Norway have health care systems that have a varying degree of vertical integration. In Finland the financial responsibility for all patient treatment is placed at the municipal level, while in Norway the responsibility for patients is divided between the municipalities (primary and long-term care) and state-owned hospitals. Professor Odd O. Aalen, Department of Biostatistics, IMB (Responsible for the course) Associate professor Bettina Kulle Andreassen, Epi-gen, Ahus, UiO Associate professor Tron Anders Moger, Department of Biostatistics, IMB Researcher Milada C. Småstuen, OUS and UiO Research Fellow Morten Valberg, Department of Biostatistics, IMB Research Patrick Michael Houck Tron Anders Moger Thesis submitted as a part of the Master of Philosophy Degree in Health Economics, Policy and Management completed at the Faculty of Medi-cine’s Institute for Health & Society Department of Health Management and Health Economics University of Oslo 15.06.2016 Supervisor: Dr. Tron Anders Moger Master thesis University of Oslo, The Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Management and Health Economics Thesis submitted as a part of the Master of Philosophy Degree in Health Economics, Policy and Management May 2019 Jul 18, 2007 · 7 Tron Anders Moger, Marion Haugen, Benjamin H. K. Yip, Håkon K. Gjessing, Ørnulf Borgan, A hierarchical frailty model applied to two-generation melanoma data, Lifetime Data Analysis, 2011, 17, 3, 445CrossRef Tron Anders Moger, Unto Häkkinen, Terje P. Hagen ISSN: 1892-9710 Responsible for this website.

58-79 ARTICLE PDF ISSN: 1892-9710 Viktil, Kirsten; Blix, Hege Salvesen; Eek, Anne Katrine; Moger, Tron Anders & Reikvam, Åsmund (2011). Changes in drug regimen during hospital stay and after discharge. Eek, Anne Katrine; Blix, Hege Salvesen; Viktil, Kirsten Kilvik; Moger, Tron Anders & Reikvam, Åsmund (2010). GP’s Opinions of the Hospital Discharge Notes – A Survey among GPs. Jul 18, 2007 Supervisor: Dr. Tron Anders Moger Master thesis University of Oslo, The Faculty of Medicine, Department of Health Management and Health Economics Thesis submitted as a part of the Master of Philosophy Degree in Health Economics, Policy and Management May 2019 Tron Anders Moger, associate professor, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics Hein Stigum, senior researcher, Norwegian Institute of Public Health Harald Weedon-Fekjær, researcher, Oslo University Hospital, Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Health Economy Tron Anders Moger. Corresponding Author. E-mail address: Ethnic differences in the incidence of type 1 diabetes in Norway: a register‐based study using data from the period 2002–2009 Tron Anders Moger, associate professor, Institute of Health Management and Health Economics, UiO Harald Weedon-Fekjær, researcher, Oslo University Hospital (OUS), Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Health Economy colleagues and friends.

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Dato: Undervises av: Sted: Tema: Kommentarer / ressurser: 17.08.2009: Tron Anders Moger 12.15-14.00, Seminar room 3, Harald Schjelderups Hus Introduction, Descriptive

Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1089 Blindern, 0317 Oslo In the Nordic countries, there exist several registers containing information on diseases and risk factors for millions of individuals. This information can be linked to families by the use of person Nielsen, Anette Søgaard, Unit of Clinical Alcohol Research, Clinical Institute, University of Southern Denmark Psychiatric Department, University Function, Region of Southern Denmark UiO UiO University of Oslo University of Oslo. For employees; Norwegian website; Tron Anders Moger. Published Apr. 28, 2008 12:59 PM - Last modified Sep. 17, 2008 TRON ANDERS MOGER 2 1 CHESS (Centre for Health and Social Economics), National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), Finland 2 Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo, Norway Abstract: Finland and Norway have health care systems that have a varying degree of vertical integration. Jun 23, 2014 · Background Balance impairments are common in patients with Alzheimer disease (AD), but which aspects of balance are affected, at which stage of cognitive impairment, and their associations with cognitive domains remain unexplored.